2022 – August

Launched Digital Asset Series (DAS) a year-round education series covering twelve key topics across the digital asset space.

Categorized as Roadmap


Source: HKOMG Channel 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!


Source: HKOMG Channel YouTube 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!

2022 – June

Launched Rich Glory Coin, pioneering Secured Debt Offering (STO) in Both Conventional Notes and Blockchain Tokens.

Categorized as Roadmap

#02: Coinstreet Partners with Samson Lee

Source: Geeks of the Valley YouTube We sat down with Samson Lee, the CEO of Coinstreet Partners,a Digital Asset & Wealth Management Asset Tokenization Exchange Platform. The firm enables the next generation of decentralized full-integrated investment banks. He shares his story and impact of the STO industry on Blockchain and regulations surrounding it today.