HKiENDA Annual Conference 2024: Panel Discussion “Regulation of Virtual Assets and Digital Assets: Striking a Balance between Innovation and Investor Protection” on 20 May 2024

Source: Coinstreet LinkedIn

The HKiENDA Annual Conference 2024 hosted by HKiNEDA 香港獨立非執行董事協會 featured a thought-provoking panel discussion “Regulation of Virtual Assets and Digital Assets: Striking a Balance between Innovation and Investor Protection” on 20 May 2024.

Our Founder and CEO of Coinstreet, SAMSON (SAM) LEE, was among the distinguished panelists invited to share his insights on this critical issue.

Moderated by Stephen C K LAW JP, Deputy President & Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee at HKiNEDA, the panel brought together industry leaders to explore how to foster innovation while ensuring investor protection.

In addition to SAMSON (SAM) LEE, other distinguished panelists included Duncan Chiu, Member of the Legislative Council for the Technology and Innovation Functional Constituency; Robert Lui, Member of the Web 3.0 committee, the Government of the HKSAR; David Wu, Chief Financial Officer of OSL Group; Clara Chiu, CEO of QReg Advisory.

The discussion delved into the evolving regulatory landscape, the balance between supporting technological advancements and safeguarding investors, and the role of policymakers and industry stakeholders in shaping the future of the virtual and digital asset space.


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