Real-World Assets (RWA) Tokenization Insights on April 13, 2024 in Tokyo

Source: CSpro LinkedIn We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the “Real-World Assets (RWA) Tokenization Insights” event, hosted by Taisu Ventures and EMURGO, held on April 13, 2024, in Tokyo! Attendees had the opportunity to engage in an exclusive discussion on asset tokenization and the future of finance. The event took place at… Continue reading Real-World Assets (RWA) Tokenization Insights on April 13, 2024 in Tokyo

TEAMZ Web3/AI Summit on 13-14 April 2024: CSpro Exhibition Booth & Firechat Panel “Founders’ highlights: Future Trends in Blockchain Development” in Tokyo

Source: Coinstreet LinkedIn We are thrilled to share the highlights of our participation at the recent TEAMZ Web3/AI Summit in Toranomon Hills Forum at Tokyo on 13-14 April 2024! Our Founder & CEO of Coinstreet and, SAMSON (SAM) LEE had an incredible time exchanging valuable insights and discussing #STO, also the latest trends in… Continue reading TEAMZ Web3/AI Summit on 13-14 April 2024: CSpro Exhibition Booth & Firechat Panel “Founders’ highlights: Future Trends in Blockchain Development” in Tokyo

Taisu Ventures Announces Investment and Strategic Advisory Role in CSpro to Drive Innovation and Adoption for Tokenization of Real World Assets (RWA) through Security Token Offering (STO)

Source: PR Newswire Taisu Ventures, a leading Web3 venture capital firm dedicated to driving innovation in the blockchain space, is pleased to announce an investment and a strategic advisory role in CSpro Global Holding Limited, a core business arm under Coinstreet Group specializing in global Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization market opportunities, primary market brokerage… Continue reading Taisu Ventures Announces Investment and Strategic Advisory Role in CSpro to Drive Innovation and Adoption for Tokenization of Real World Assets (RWA) through Security Token Offering (STO)


Source: Now TV YouTube 虛擬資產交易平台JPEX,被證監會指無牌經營,警方以涉嫌詐騙拘捕多人,這宗大型投資騙案,反映這類平台的監管有甚麼漏洞?相關發牌制度今年六月生效,可否杜絕騙案再次發生?政府有意推動香港成為國際虛擬資產中心,我們的條件是否成熟?

【數碼新「錢」途】專訪李尚信Samson|STO 證券型代幣的發展前景 STO的交易流動性如何激活?香港以及內地發展STO前景如何? |5月9日 朱子昭 Cyrus

Source: Metro Radio YouTube 【數碼新「錢」途】專訪Samson Lee 傾資產代幣化的發展前景 |5月9日 朱子昭 Cyrus 嘉賓:李尚信 COINSTREET創辦人及行政總裁 #STO 介紹coinstreet的由來以及STO的發展情況 朱子昭、 Cyrus 逢星期二下午 7:30-7:50【新城財經台-財經直播】專頁以及新城 youtube channel 【新城play】同步直播,帶你認識區塊鏈技術以及虛擬貨幣的投資入門心法,了解數字資產每週要聞!


Source: HKOMG Channel 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!


Source: HKOMG Channel YouTube 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!

#02: Coinstreet Partners with Samson Lee

Source: Geeks of the Valley YouTube We sat down with Samson Lee, the CEO of Coinstreet Partners,a Digital Asset & Wealth Management Asset Tokenization Exchange Platform. The firm enables the next generation of decentralized full-integrated investment banks. He shares his story and impact of the STO industry on Blockchain and regulations surrounding it today.


Source: Oriental Daily 第二屆TADS大獎之2021年度頒獎典禮將於11月5日(周五)晚上8時進行全球首播,亦是第六屆香港金融科技周的其中一個合作會外活動。此頒獎典禮將表彰12個獎項的獲獎者為行業作出的重大貢獻和傑出成就。營業資訊 TADS大獎發起人、高爾街集團行政總裁李尚信先生表示,「為了緊跟市場趨勢,今年的TADS大獎設置了新的獎項,包括NFT通證獎和NFT解決方案平台獎。此外,還設立多個新星獎,以鼓勵這些新創公司並表彰在行業內創新概念的項目。」 TADS大獎是全球首個針對資產通證和數字證券的行業年度國際獎項,匯集了來自世界各地的個人和企業,分享資產通證化給金融市場帶來的能量,並通過認可和表彰世界各地得獎者的重大貢獻和傑出成就,來祝賀這些行業參與者。首屆TADS大獎在多個行業領袖公司和關鍵生態圈推動者的大力支持下,於2020年在香港誕生並取得巨大的成功。

TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) – Interview with Samson Lee

Source: LinkedIn Post I am honored to be interviewed by the top international Chinese TV network — TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited), on topics of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, STO and China latest policy on Blockchain. The program will be aired in Hong Kong on “JADE Channel (#81)” at 6pm Sunday Nov 10th and 1am Nov 11th, and… Continue reading TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) – Interview with Samson Lee