NASA created VR metaverse to prep astronauts for life on lunar space station

Source: Cointelegraph “When they slip on their headsets, they’re not just seeing the station—they’re in it.” according to a NASA blog post. While most of us spend our time in the metaverse trading assets or bopping around in virtual realities on legless avatars, astronauts working with NASA and SpaceX are using it to prepare for… Continue reading NASA created VR metaverse to prep astronauts for life on lunar space station


Source: HKOMG Channel 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!


Source: HKOMG Channel YouTube 近年,越黎越多人研究NFT (非同質化代幣),最近仲多咗個Metaverse (元宇宙),其實大家對呢個新興產業嘅認知有幾多? 新成立嘅 NFT Associaition of Hong Kong 香港非同質化代幣協會,簡稱 NFTA,會長 Samson Lee 就借今次訪談機會,一連四集同大家探討吓相關嘅知識!